@10-11:15 AM GMT (LONDON TIME)
To join us, please CLICK HERE to register
Gather in our community of practice for this weekly drop-in breathwork practice. We meet using the platform Zoom. It’s advised that you download this for free before the session to ensure you do not have audio problems on the day. A good pair headphones is also recommended and a peaceful private place from which you can log in and breathe with us.
Shamanic holding of Sacred Space, 35-4o minutes of breathwork. Beginners welcome!
You can sign up to Zoom for free here: https://zoom.us/signup After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
*All information received relating to contra-indications will be held in confidence.
Join us for a week long Breathwork Intensive at a stunning location on Ibiza Island. Please note that this event is for graduated students only.
Inspired Directions Focus Group - POSTPONED!
Be a part of the change! The core objective of "Inspired Directions" is to foster open dialogue around breathwork's role in driving social change, expanding perspectives, and co-creating a more inclusive and equitable future in the field of healing practices.
World mental Health Awareness Day
Mental Health Awareness for wellness practitioners: A presentation and open discussion with Amanda Davis & Steph Magenta
Shadow & Bone: Breathwork and Shadow Work with Steph Magenta & Pat Divilly
Breathwork & Shadow work with Pat Divilly (Author: Fit Mind) and Steph Magenta (Founder Seven Directions® Breathwork)
Toltec Mexihca Medicine Wheel & Sacred Circle
Toltec Medicine Wheel & Sacred Circle with with Tata Miguel Teopixque Ehekamitl, Grandfather of the Mexica Toltec Tradition
From Trauma to Trust: Myofascial Energetic Release Training
From Trauma To Trust: Myofascial Energetic Release with Nisarga Eryk Dobosz. Learn about working with fascia in breathwork and other somatic practices to release trauma and tension and open to trust.
Integration: An Open Conversation (online)
Why is integration important in process based depth work?
Ceremonial Breathwork: Mexico City
Shamanic Ceremonial Breathwork & Soundscape in Mexico City.
The Breathwork Journey For Solopreneurs
As a breathwork training school, the main thing we see in newly qualified facilitators is a sense of not knowing where to start in building a business. Join us in this free online webinar to start unravelling that process.
Ancestral healing: A shamanism & Breathwork event
Join Steph Magenta & Chris Lüttichau for a powerful Samhain online event. Together we fuse the timeless wisdom of core shamanic practices, the profound healing of our ancestral connections, and the potent energy of connected breathwork.
Fire and Ice
A weekend full of health giving, powerful sacred ceremony shared by highly experienced facilitators. Ceremonies to nourish and rebalance your nervous system including Breathwork, Temazcal, Ice Bath, wild swimming, yoga Nidra and more! Imagine reflecting and recharging in the lush green southern English countryside, eating well, sleeping well and adventuring, together as a conscious community. Please join us!
Breathwork Facilitator Training FREE ONLINE Q&A Meet
Are you looking for a Breathwork Facilitator Training program with a unique approach to the breath?
We offer an 8 month trauma informed, science backed program with a strong focus on working in the principles of the Sacred Circle, and the Medicine Wheel as a framework for personal growth. When we live in right relation with the Earth, we live in right relation with ourselves.
Click the event info for registration and further details.
The Shift Network 7 week course with Seven Directions® Founder, Steph MagentA
Breathwork and Shamanism with Steph Magenta
The Shift Network: free intro event
Find out how combining Conscious Connected Breathwork with mystical shamanic practices can help you release trauma, reclaim self-worth, expand your consciousness, and cultivate inner peace so you can lead a more actualized, balanced, and fulfilling life
free weekly online ceremonial breathwork
Free weekly online ceremonial connected breathwork with founder of Seven Directions® Breathwork, Steph Magenta. Click into event info for log in directions
All deposits for events where deposits are included are non refundable. Please be sure when booking that you understand this policy.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are no refunds on any cancellations made within 4 weeks of an event date.
If cancelled prior to that, please contact us for our full events and retreats cancellations policy or check in the individual event listing information. We charge a standard £40 admin fee for refunds made at any stage to cover our costs.
Events & training program bookings may be transferred with prior agreement.
Please email stephmagentabreathwork@gmail.com with all queries
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